Future of Talent Acquisition Report Cover

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The Future of Talent Acquisition

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You'll learn:

What makes a world class talent team and what’s holding others back
Why TA is the ultimate competitive advantage
Which metrics matter most and why most teams aren’t tracking them

Tremendous change across the talent landscape has opened a gulf between leaders and laggards in talent acquisition. According to HR.com’s recent survey, TA is a top priority for HR teams, but just 18% of HR leaders rank their organizations as world-class or advanced.

The majority of talent teams concentrate their tech stack on just-in-time hiring tools, with the top three being job boards, ATS, and LinkedIn Recruiter. But leading organizations rely on a much broader tool set, consolidating technologies and adopting new tools to automate and accelerate more of the talent funnel, across more channels.

Find out what more than 300 HR leaders say about talent acquisition today and their expectations for the future.

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