Outbound Talent Sourcing

Find and engage external talent no one else can

Automate your search for the best-matched candidates with AI talent sourcing. Find talent your competitors can’t source with Findem.
Find external talent no one else can with precision search
Screenshots from Copilot

Simplify your search with Copilot

Findem’s Copilot automatically builds a search from your job description to surface the best-matched talent for your business. Verified 3D profiles ensure you find all the possible people whose journeys align with a career at your company.

Find talent faster and more efficiently

Findem automatically generates enriched 3D profiles from 100,000 data sources to verify a person’s skills and experience over time. Attract and engage talent with the highest potential without the added research time.
Enriched 3D profile
Talent analytics in Findem

Move the needle on diversity

Configure Findem to automatically and compliantly prioritize qualified candidates based on your definition of underrepresented groups (URGs). Deliver a diverse slate of top candidates every time.
“Diversity in hiring is a top priority at Medallia, and when we first started using Findem, they helped us crack the code in our diversity sourcing efforts. With data and deep analytics, we achieved a 3-fold increase in candidates from underrepresented groups in our pipeline in less than two weeks.''
Tey Scott
Senior Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition

Why the human touch is trending in 2025

Learn how talent leaders expect to grow their teams, expand their budgets, and use AI to humanize an increasingly complex hiring process.
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Turn your talent acquisition strategy inside out with Findem
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